Revolution of e-car charging

Our charging solution turns every parking space into a charging station — simple, expandable, made in Germany.
Modular expandable: Our patented multiple socket grows with your needs.
Increased efficiency: Intuitive charge management optimizes your energy consumption.
Hassle-free operation: Easy administration and billing through preconfigured software.
Unternehmen, die mit uns mehr E-Autos laden:
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Figures we're proud of


Alles aus einer Hand:
Von der Planung bis Abrechnung

Mit unserem Komplettpaket aus Ladesystem, Verwaltungssoftware und Support sichern Sie sich einen reibungslosen Betrieb. Von der ersten Planung bis zum täglichen Betrieb – wir stehen Ihnen zur Seite.
Every day, over 700 companies choose our Aqueduct charging system to charge their fleets.
Number of charging stations
Amount of electricity emitted

Aqueduct charging system

Installation & Approval

Since only the start module is connected to the supply line, installation costs are significantly reduced and registration and approval are simplified

Sicher & Intelligent

The Aqueduct charging system can be connected to both an 11 kW and a 22 kW supply line. The integrated load and charge management distributes electricity safely and in line with demand.

Flexible & scalable

The Aqueduct is future-proof because it grows with demand. A starter module can be extended to up to 10 plug & play modules with expansion modules.
The Aqueduct charging system complies with §14a EnWG.

App & dashboard

Individual & convenient

With a dashboard and app, you can manage your organization, locations, charging systems and users according to your needs.

Control & transparency

Maintain control over users, teams, mobility budgets, access protection.

Easy & automated

Create statements and statistics with just a few clicks, or use our automated billing system.

Mission Statement

With the rise of e-cars, the need for charging infrastructure is also growing. We are responding to the shortage of skilled workers and the limits of the power grid with a solution: Our Aqueduct charging system allows numerous charging stations to be set up quickly with minimal installation effort and is flexible through subsequent expansion.

Ein Ladesystem für alle Fälle

Für jeden Bedarf das richtige Ladesystem: Das Ladesystem Aqueduct und die Verwaltungssoftware passt sich allen Anforderungen an, egal wie viele E-Autos Sie laden müssen.

Für die betriebliche Flotte

Das flexible und kostengünstige Ladesystem für Ihre betriebliche Flotte. Für ein einfaches und bequemes Laden von vielen E-Autos.

Für Mitarbeiter

Das flexible und kostengünstige Ladesystem für Ihre betriebliche Flotte. Für ein einfaches und bequemes Laden von vielen E-Autos.

Für Hotels

Steigern Sie Ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Kundenzufriedenheit mit unserem Ladesystem für Gäste mit E-Autos.

Für Autohäuser und Werkstätten

Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden mit unserem Ladesystem einen Mehrwert und unterstreichen Sie Ihre Kompetenz in der E-Mobilität.

Für Immobilien

Steigern Sie den Wert Ihrer Immobilie und die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Mieter durch moderne Ladeinfrastruktur.

Hardware: Ladesystem Aqueduct

Installation & Approval

Thanks to the start module, which connects directly to the supply line, your installation costs are reduced and registration or approval is easier.

Safe & Intelligent

Our Aqueduct charging system, compatible with 11kW and 22kW supply lines, guarantees safe and demand-based power distribution thanks to integrated load and charge management.

Flexible & Scalable

The Aqueduct charging system is your partner for the future: installed today, it is ready for tomorrow's technologies. Thanks to its modular plug & play design, it grows with your requirements — from a few to thousands of e-cars.

Software: App & Dashboard

Individual & Convenient

Easily manage your organization, locations, charging systems and users via dashboard and app, according to your wishes.

Control & Transparency

Maintain an overview: Manage users, teams and mobility budgets securely and transparently.

Easy & Automated

With just a few clicks to billing and statistics, or use our automated billing for maximum convenience.
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Made in Germany: Developed and produced in Germany

Our vision of a sustainable future starts with manufacturing: Every Aqueduct charging system is built in the Munich region, in close cooperation with our partner Lacon. This local production not only ensures outstanding quality, but also promotes the regional economy. With chargeX, you are choosing a product that combines environmental responsibility and German engineering — a true commitment to sustainability and precision.

In 60 seconds, every parking space becomes a charging station

Our founders, Tobias Wagner and Michael Masnitza, have set themselves the task of turning every parking space into a charging station. With our revolutionary technology, the Aqueduct multiple socket, we make it possible to extend a single network connection to up to 10 charging points. A sophisticated algorithm ensures an optimal distribution of electricity, based on the individual needs of users.
The start of ĢƵ with a vision to make e-mobility more accessible.
We have already installed so many charging points in the DACH region.
Our solutions are already inspiring hundreds of companies of all sizes.
16.5 Mio
Investors such as Bonventure, Ponoox, SEIF, BayernKapital and UVC Partners have placed so much trust in us and our mission.
Learn more

Shape the future of mobility with us: We are looking for engineers, software developers and students

We are a diverse team from different nationalities and cultures and value the uniqueness of each member. Engineers, developers, students and experts in all departments are working together to drive the future of mobility.

Do you have any questions?

Our support team is here to help. If you are interested in our Aqueduct intelligent charging system, please contact our sales team.